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Prof. Dr. Abderrahim Benmoussat | Materials Properties award | Excellence in Research Award

Prof. Dr. Abderrahim Benmoussat, Tlemcen University , Algeria

Dr. Abderrahim Benmoussat is a distinguished former university professor renowned for his expertise in functional materials and materials engineering. He earned his PhD degree in Materials Engineering from Oran University of Sciences and Technology, Algeria, in 2006. Subsequently, he obtained a research enabling diploma from Tlemcen University in 2008, qualifying him to supervise research in materials sciences.


Professional Profiles:


🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Oran University of Sciences and Technology, Algeria (2006)
  • Research Enabling Diploma, Tlemcen University, Algeria (2008)

🏛️ Affiliation:

  • Former Full Professor, University of Tlemcen, Algeria

👨‍🏫 Academic Contributions:

  • Supervisor of numerous research projects and theses in Algeria and LTU University of Lulea, Sweden
  • Member of evaluation groups for several Ph.D. theses
  • Published extensively in scientific journals
  • Active participant in local and international conferences
  • Committee member for various conferences
  • Reviewer for several scientific journals

🌍 International Engagement:

  • Academic member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research since 2016
  • Contributed as a Peer Reviewer for the 6th International Conference on Materials Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2023)
  • Technical Committee Member for the upcoming 3rd International Conference on Materials Sciences and Engineering in Nanjing, China

Publication Top Notes:

Corrosion of API 5L X60 Pipeline Steel in Soil and Surface Defects Detection by Ultrasonic Analysis

Glycerin-Grafted Starch as Corrosion Inhibitor of C-Mn Steel in 1 M HCl solution

Study on corrosion behavior in a water/Ethylene Glycol solution and Inhibition based on biomaterials of Engine cooling circuits

Study on the delay at Initiation and propagation of a fatigue crack of an aluminum alloy after drilling a hole without expansion

Influence of an absorbers GEM<sub>PEHD</sub> thermal properties on the propagation of heat in a solar sensor

Study on the photovoltaic panels characteristics – Case of Tamanrasset


Prof. Dr. Abderrahim Benmoussat | Materials Properties award | Excellence in Research Award

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