Dr. Prem Sagar | Hybrid  Nanocomposite Materials/Friction Stir Processing

Dr. Prem Sagar : Hybrid  Nanocomposite Materials/Friction Stir Processing

The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences, India

Congratulations, Dr. Prem Sagar, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ScienceFather! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Dr. Prem Sagar, a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a  Assistant Professor from The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences, India. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into welding  and architectural applications.

Professional Profiles:

Professional Appointments:

Assistant Professor/HEAD- Department of Mechanical Engineering, 17/07/2016-To date
The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences (TIT&S), Bhiwani (Haryana)-India
Taught a total of 12 undergraduate, mainly focused on Engineering Graphics and drawing, SolarEnergy
Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Numeric Control, Thermodynamics, as wellas Heat Transfer
and Production Engineering. I have been heading the department since 12/122021.
Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, 18/08/2011–15/05/2015

Prannath Parnami Institute of Management and Technology (PPIMT), Hisar (Haryana)-India
Taught 12 undergraduate and three postgraduate courses, mainly on Automobile Engineering, Fluid
Mechanics, Computer Numeric Control, Thermodynamics, HeatTransfer and Production Engineering.
Supervised two master’s thesis

Academic Qualifications: 

Dr. Prem Sagar citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

  • Cited by: All: 49, Since 2018: 49
  • Citations: 49 (All), 49 (Since 2018)
  • h-index: 5 (All), 5 (Since 2018)
  • i10-index: 2 (All), 2 (Since 2018)

Publications: 13 documents indexed in Scopus.

Dr. Prem Sagar has contributed to several publications in the field of solar energy, photovoltaics, thermal systems, and welding  applications. Here are some of his notable publications:

1.A comprehensive review of recent progress in fabrication of magnesium base composites by friction      stir processing technique—A review

  • Published in Energy in 2020 with 12 citations.

2. Metallurgical, mechanical and tribological behavior of reinforced magnesium-based composite              developed via friction stir processing

  • Published in Energy in 2022 with 10 citations.

3.Selection of tool transverse speed considering trial run experimentations for AZ61/Tic composite             developed via friction stir processing using triangular tool

  • Published in Energy in 2021 with 9 citations.

4.Prediction of wear resistance model for magnesium metal composite by response surface                          methodology using central composite design

  • Published in Energy in 2020 with 5 citations.


Academic Pioneer in Welding Technology Award

Introduction of Academic Pioneer in Welding Technology Award

Embark on a journey of academic innovation in the dynamic field of welding technology with the “Academic Pioneer in Welding Technology Award.” This distinguished accolade pays homage to individuals who have demonstrated pioneering leadership and groundbreaking contributions to the academic realm of welding technology.

Eligibility: The Academic Pioneer in Welding Technology Award is open to academics and researchers who have exhibited exceptional leadership in advancing welding technology within the academic sphere. Nominees should possess a notable record of pioneering research and educational initiatives in welding technology.

Age Limits and Qualifications: No age restrictions apply. Nominees should hold a minimum of a doctoral degree in welding technology or a related field. Relevant qualifications and a substantial record of impactful contributions to welding technology academia are highly regarded.

Publications and Requirements: Nominees are expected to have a robust publication record, including peer-reviewed articles, books, or other scholarly works that highlight their pioneering contributions to welding technology. A comprehensive curriculum vitae showcasing relevant qualifications is essential.

Evaluation Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the originality and impact of their contributions to welding technology academia, the effectiveness of their teaching methods, and their overall influence on shaping the field.

Submission Guidelines: Submissions should include a detailed biography, an abstract outlining the nominee’s pioneering contributions to welding technology academia, and supporting files containing relevant publications and documentation. All materials should be submitted in a clear and accessible format.

Recognition: Recipients of the Academic Pioneer in Welding Technology Award will be honored at a prestigious ceremony, receiving a certificate of recognition and acknowledgment for their transformative contributions to welding technology education.

Community Impact: This award not only acknowledges individual excellence but also celebrates the positive impact nominees have had on the broader academic community, fostering a culture of innovation and influencing the next generation of welding technologists.

Biography: A comprehensive biography, highlighting key academic milestones, leadership roles, and the impact of the nominee’s contributions to welding technology academia, is a crucial component of the submission.

Abstract and Supporting Files: An abstract summarizing the nominee’s pioneering contributions to welding technology academia and supporting files containing publications, teaching materials, and other pertinent documentation must be included in the submission.

Outstanding Research Contribution to Welding Science Award

Introduction of Outstanding Research Contribution to Welding Science Award

Embark on a journey of intellectual exploration with the “Outstanding Research Contribution to Welding Science Award.” This prestigious accolade honors individuals who have made exceptional research contributions, advancing the frontiers of knowledge in welding science and shaping the future of the industry.

Eligibility: The Outstanding Research Contribution to Welding Science Award is open to researchers and scientists who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to advancing the field of welding science. Nominees should possess a distinguished record of impactful research contributions and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding in welding.

Age Limits and Qualifications: No age restrictions apply. Nominees should hold a minimum of a doctoral degree in welding science or a related field. Relevant qualifications, along with a substantial record of impactful contributions to welding science, are highly regarded.

Publications and Requirements: Nominees are expected to have a robust publication record, including peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, or other scholarly works that showcase their significant contributions to welding science. A comprehensive curriculum vitae highlighting relevant qualifications is essential.

Evaluation Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the originality and impact of their research contributions to welding science, the significance of their findings, and the potential for long-term advancements in the field.

Submission Guidelines: Submissions should include a detailed biography, an abstract outlining the nominee’s outstanding research contributions, and supporting files containing relevant publications and documentation. All materials should be submitted in a clear and accessible format.

Recognition: Recipients of the Outstanding Research Contribution to Welding Science Award will be celebrated at a prestigious ceremony, receiving a certificate of recognition and acknowledgment for their transformative contributions to welding science.

Community Impact: This award not only acknowledges individual excellence but also celebrates the positive impact nominees have had on the broader welding community, influencing best practices and setting new industry standards.

Biography: A comprehensive biography, highlighting key academic milestones, research endeavors, and the impact of the nominee’s contributions to welding science, is a vital component of the submission.

Abstract and Supporting Files: An abstract summarizing the nominee’s outstanding research contributions and supporting files containing publications, patents, and other pertinent documentation must be included in the submission.